

School Wide News🏫

  • No school Tuesday/no hay escuela el martes
  • Dual Language Tshirt orders due 9/1. Order forms to go home next week/Entregue los pedidos de camisetas para Dual Language no más tardar el 1 de septiembre.
  • Dismissal plans must be made with your child PRIOR to arriving to school. Dismissal plan changes must be submitted in writing to the classroom teacher/Los planes de salida deben hacerse con su hijo/a ANTES de llegar a la escuela. Los cambios en el plan de salida deben presentarse por escrito al maestro.
  • Excused absences require a doctor note/Las ausencias justificadas requieren una nota del médico.
  • Students are required to be in dress code every day. Jeans with NO rips are allowed on Fridays OR on days that are cold. NO leggings allowed/Se requiere que los estudiantes estén en código de vestimenta todos los días. Se permiten jeans SIN rasgaduras los viernes O en días fríos. NO se permiten "leggings".

4th Grade General News🗞

Tuesday Folder 📁 **Will go home tomorrow since there's no school Tuesday**
  • Expect a folder to come home weekly on Tuesday with important information for parents & students, tests with results for signature, etc. This folder is to be returned as soon as possible with documents requiring parent signature. 
  • Espere que una carpeta llegue a casa semanalmente el martes con información importante para padres y estudiantes, exámenes con resultados para firma, etc. Esta carpeta debe devolverse lo antes posible con los documentos que requieren la firma de los padres.

    Communication 🕬

I Shine Folder: will be used to communicate with the parents regarding behavior and classwork/homework concerns. Will begin going home daily as of 9/1. Check it daily to monitor your child's progress. IF there was a concern, we will mark it in the folder/se utilizará para comunicarse con los padres con respecto a las preocupaciones de comportamiento y trabajos. Comenzará a ir a casa todos los días a partir del 1 de septiembre. Revíselo diariamente para monitorear el progreso de su hijo. SI hubo una inquietud, la marcaremos en la carpeta.

Reading 📚Lectura

We’ve been working on reviewing different strategies readers use to better comprehend fiction and nonfiction text/Hemos estado repasando diferentes estrategias que usan los lectores para comprender mejor el texto de ficción y no ficción.

A letter regarding her first unit will go home in the Tuesday folder this week coming for your reference./Una carta sobre la primera unidad se enviará a casa en la carpeta del martes esta semana para su referencia.


Check out Mrs. Barreras Amazon wishlist to help support our reading journey this school year! /¡Vea la lista de deseos de Mrs. Barreras en Amazon para ayudar a apoyar nuestro viaje de lectura este año escolar!

Math 🔢Matemáticas

Thank you parents for your support and patience in our past full week of school. The students are getting used to the rules and procedures of our classrooms.This week we will be finishing up Topic 1 Place Value: MultiDigit Whole Numbers and Decimals. We will have a Topic 1 Review early next week and then our 1st Topic 1 FSQ. Please make sure your child has homework copied down in their agenda and completes homework nightly. Your child will be working on a math Diagnostic on Monday This diagnostic will assess your child's math level to be able to place him/her in the right skill level on Successmaker. We should be starting the Successmaker next week. Students will have to complete 45 min per week. They will have school time to complete it, but if they do not finish, they will have to finish it at home.

Science 🧪Ciencias
We are working on reviewing the scientific method and how scientists use experiments to test hypothesis/Estamos trabajando en la revisión del método científico y cómo los científicos usan los experimentos para probar hipótesis. 


We are working on choosing a claim and supporting it with evidence using multiple sources. On Friday, we will be starting our first official unit where the students will be required to write a multiparagraph essay about a topic and support their claim with multiple reasons and evidence using multiple sources. 


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