
School Wide News🏫

  • Hello, Parents! Here is important information about accessing your child's report card and progress reports. This is an email teachers received from Debbie Gonzalez in the front office:

    Please take a moment to inform your parents that emails were sent out to every parent who does not have an account for the SIS Gateway. Remind them that this is how they will see all progress reports and report cards. It is imperative that every parent sets up an account for their student. If they already have one, they don't need to do anything. If they forgot their password, they will need to reset it on the SIS Gateway main page. If they say they did not receive an email, please have them call the front office so I can make sure we have correct information for them.
  • Dual Language Tshirt orders due 9/1. Order forms to go home next week/Entregue los pedidos de camisetas para Dual Language no más tardar el 1 de septiembre.
  • Dismissal plans must be made with your child PRIOR to arriving to school. Dismissal plan changes must be submitted in writing to the classroom teacher/Los planes de salida deben hacerse con su hijo/a ANTES de llegar a la escuela. Los cambios en el plan de salida deben presentarse por escrito al maestro.
  • Excused absences require a doctor note/Las ausencias justificadas requieren una nota del médico.
  • Students are required to be in dress code every day. Jeans with NO rips are allowed on Fridays OR on days that are cold. NO leggings allowed/Se requiere que los estudiantes estén en código de vestimenta todos los días. Se permiten jeans SIN rasgaduras los viernes O en días fríos. NO se permiten "leggings".

4th Grade General News🗞

    Communication 🕬

I Shine Folder:
  • I Shine folders communicate the kind of day your child had daily. Review these folders nightly. Inital at the bottom of EACH day. NO mark = great day! They go home as of 9/1/las carpetas "I Shine" comunican el tipo de día que tuvo su hijo/a todos los días. Revise estas carpetas todas las noches. Inicial bajo CADA día. SIN marca significa buen día! Se van a casa a partir del 1 de septiembre.

Reading 📚Lectura 

  • September Scholastic book orders are due by 9/16. Your book orders will add classroom points in which I can use to purchase more books for our classroom library. Purchases can be made via online or by check payable to Scholasticshttps://orders.scholastic.com/M9R7W
  • Entregar los pedidos de libros Scholastic para el 16 de septiembre . Nuestro primer catálogo mensual de libros de Scholastic. Sus pedidos de libros agregarán puntos a nuestra cuenta para comprar más libros para la biblioteca de nuestra clase. Las compras se pueden hacer en línea o con cheque a nombre de Scholastics. https://orders.scholastic.com/M9R7W
  • Daily homework is to read for at least 20 minutes. Your child can use books from home, books from NHE library or the public library, or use the books selected from Mrs. Barreras classroom library. 
  • A routine should be set in place in order to assure your child dedicates time to read in a quiet place. Technology devices should be out of sight to avoid distraction. This may need to be reinforced every so often to keep a consistent schedule.  
  • iReady parent report will be going home on Tuesday. The report will share your child’s current reading abilities in the areas of vocabulary, nonfiction comprehension, and fiction comprehension/El informe para padres de iReady se enviará a casa el martes. El informe compartirá las habilidades de lectura actuales de su hijo en las áreas de vocabulario, comprensión de no ficción y comprensión de ficción.
  • A letter regarding our first unit went home in the Tuesday folder this week coming for your reference./Una carta sobre la primera unidad se envió  a casa en la carpeta del martes.
  • Check out Mrs. Barreras Amazon wishlist to help support our reading journey this school year! /¡Vea la lista de deseos de Mrs. Barreras en Amazon para ayudar a apoyar nuestro viaje de lectura este año escolar!

Math 🔢Matemáticas

  • Coming soon! 
Science 🧪Ciencias
  • We are finishing up working on reviewing the scientific method and how scientists use experiments to test hypothesis/Estamos terminando trabajando en la revisión del método científico y cómo los científicos usan los experimentos para probar hipótesis. 
  • This week we will be starting unit 2 focusing on living things.  


  • We’ve started our first official unit where the students will be required to write a multiparagraph essay about a topic and support their claim with multiple reasons and evidence using multiple sources/Hemos comenzado nuestra primera unidad en la que los estudiantes deberán escribir un ensayo de varios párrafos sobre un tema y respaldar su afirmación con múltiples razones y evidencia utilizando múltiples fuentes.
  • Essays will be written in both languages./Los ensayos se escriben en los 2 idiomas. K



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