
School Wide News🏫

  • No school Wednesday 10/5/no hay escuela miércoles 5 de octubre
  • Spirit night papichulo Wednesday
  • Please sign up for the Hero's 5k WALK/ or Run (If you are extra! LOL) - We had a great time last year!  SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2022 AT JOHN PRINCE PARK, 4756 South Congress Avenue, Lake Worth, FL33461.  You can bring your family or dog!!!   https://runsignup.com/Race/Register/?raceId=115563

  • Yearbooks on sale online ONLY- visit www.strawbridge.net Enter the school code: YBYB25646 $26 until 2/28/2023
  • To ALL room parents: Hispanic Heritage month is around the corner and we are need of your support. Read the image below. Contact our main room mom Raquel Paz!
  • Dismissal plans must be made with your child PRIOR to arriving to school. Dismissal plan changes must be submitted in writing to the classroom teacher/Los planes de salida deben hacerse con su hijo/a ANTES de llegar a la escuela. Los cambios en el plan de salida deben presentarse por escrito al maestro.
  • Excused absences require a doctor note/Las ausencias justificadas requieren una nota del médico.
  • Students are required to be in dress code every day. Jeans with NO rips are allowed on Fridays OR on days that are cold. NO leggings allowed. NO crocs/Se requiere que los estudiantes estén en código de vestimenta todos los días. Se permiten jeans SIN rasgaduras los viernes O en días fríos. NO se permiten "leggings".

4th Grade General News🗞

  • Reading and writing tests have been sent home for your review and signature. Please take the opportunity to sit with your child to reflect upon their strengths and create goals. Tip: create an incentive plan for the NEW goals your child sets. This will motivate them to put forth effort and reach their full capacity.    
  • Las pruebas de lectura y escritura han sido enviadas a casa para su revisión y firma. Aproveche la oportunidad de sentarse con su hijo/a para reflexionar sobre sus fortalezas y crear metas. Consejo: cree un plan de incentivos para las NUEVAS metas que establece su hijo/a. Esto los motivará a esforzarse y alcanzar su máxima capacidad.   
  • Use the I Shine folders to create an incentive plan with your child to celebrate a successful week/Usa la carpeta de I Shine para crear un plan de incentivo para celebrar una semana exitosa.

Reading 📚Lectura    

    • iStation October Diagnostics - Monday 10/3/22

    • For unit 2 focused on "How do we reveal ourselves to others?", your child created a team agreed upon reading plan that includes a team contract and weekly chapters to read in preparation for their book club meetings. Your child will be using their chosen book club book as their daily reading in class for their classwork and can be used for their daily reading at home. This will allow them to stay on track with their team agreed upon plan/Para la unidad 2 centrada en "¿Cómo nos revelamos a los demás?", su hijo/a creó un plan de lectura acordado en equipo que incluye un contrato de equipo y capítulos semanales para leer en preparación para las reuniones de su club de libros. Su hijo/a usará el libro del club de libro elegido como su lectura diaria en clase para su trabajo de clase y puede usarse para su lectura diaria en casa. Esto les permitirá mantenerse al día con el plan acordado por su equipo.
    • As your child reads, they will be using their reading notebook to track the main character's actions. Their notes will allow them to/A medida que su hijo/a lea, usará su cuaderno de lectura para realizar un seguimiento de las acciones del personaje principal. Sus notas les permitirán:
      • infer character traits/inferir los rasgos del personaje
      • explain the character's contribution to the story's plot/explicar la contribución del personaje a la trama del cuento
      • determine the story's theme (lesson)/determinar el moraleja del cuento (lección)
      • Compare stories with common themes and characters/Comparar cuentos con moralejas y personajes comunes
      • summarize stories/resumir cuentos
    • Daily homework is to read for at least 20 minutes. Your child can use books from home, books from NHE library or the public library, or use the books selected from Mrs. Barreras classroom library. 
  • A routine should be set in place in order to assure your child dedicates time to read in a quiet place. Technology devices should be out of sight to avoid distraction. This may need to be reinforced every so often to keep a consistent schedule. 

Math 🔢Matemáticas

  • Multiplying multidigit equations including 2 or more digits using a variety of strategies including partial products, area models, and regrouping. 

  •  It's important your child is practicing their multiplication table at home. Their basic multiplication fact knowledge will aid them in accurately and fluently multiply multidigit equations. One way to help them at home is to create flashcards for the multiplication table and quiz them out of order. 

Science 🧪Ciencias

  • We conclude our Living Things and Their Environment Unit 2 and begin Properties of matter and changes in matter Unit 3. Students will have a test on Monday 10/3 for Unit 2. Please have them study their notes. Also, available via google classroom are the teacher notes and the vocabulary on Stemscopes. 

  • Concluimos nuestra Unidad 2 de los seres vivos y su entorno y comenzamos la Unidad 3 de propiedades de la materia y cambios en la materia. Los estudiantes tendrán un examen de la unidad 2 el Lunes 10/3. Pídales que estudien sus notas. Además, están disponibles a través de Google Classroom las notas de la maestra y el vocabulario en Stemscopes.


  • Unit 2 Argumentative essays are a genre of essay that requires the student to generate an opinion about a topic, evaluate evidence, expand on the idea, and set forth an argument concerning that idea in a clear and concise manner/Unidad 2 Los ensayos argumentativos son un género de ensayo que requiere que el estudiante genere una opinión sobre un tema, evalúe evidencia, amplíe la idea y exponga un argumento sobre esa idea de manera clara y concisa.

  • Essays will be written in both languages./Los ensayos se escriben en los 2 idiomas. 


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