

We understand illnesses can happen. Please keep in mind that absences can affect your child's progress! There's lots of content your child misses when they are NOT present. Make up work is required to be completed to assure they are caught up. This can be VERY overwhelming for students and parents, especially when they have to complete current assignments in addition to make up work. 4th grade content is rigorous, complex. Their presence in class allows your child to receive the scaffolding they need to undertand the rigorous content. We appreciate your support!/Entendemos que las enfermedades pueden ocurrir. ¡Por favor tenga en cuenta que las ausencias pueden afectar el progreso de su hijo/a! Hay mucho contenido que su hijo/a se pierde cuando NO está presente. Se requiere que se complete el trabajo que faltó para asegurar que se pongan al día. Esto puede ser MUY abrumador para los estudiantes y los padres, especialmente cuando tienen que completar las tareas actuales además del trabajo que faltó. El contenido de cuarto grado es riguroso, complejo. Su presencia en clase le permite a su hijo/a recibir el andamiaje que necesita para comprender el contenido riguroso. ¡Agradecemos su apoyo!

School Wide News🏫

  •  Students will be bringing home more information about STEP IT UP next week after our Launch Party presentation. Please help your student register and complete the Golden Ticket assignment THAT NIGHT! All students who complete the Golden Ticket assignment will receive fun PRIZES and it does not require any money to register. We will also have some fun drawings for a $250 Amazon Gift Card and four Mini Party Fridges stuffed with CASH!

  • Smencils safety patrol fundraiser begins Monday 7:30-8am daily for $1 EACH
  • Please sign up for the Hero's 5k WALK/ or Run (If you are extra! LOL) - We had a great time last year!  SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2022 AT JOHN PRINCE PARK, 4756 South Congress Avenue, Lake Worth, FL33461.  You can bring your family or dog!!!   https://runsignup.com/Race/Register/?raceId=115563
  • Yearbooks on sale online ONLY- visit www.strawbridge.net Enter the school code: YBYB25646 $26 until 2/28/2023

4th Grade General News🗞

  • Please have your child complete the Hispanic heritage drawing activity that went home. It’s due by Wednesday, October 19.
    Use the I Shine folders to create an incentive plan with your child to celebrate a successful week/
    Usa la carpeta de I Shine para crear un plan de incentivo para celebrar una semana exitosa.

Reading 📚Lectura    

    • To help your child at home, I will be sending home a list of questions you can use every day to help your child think about what they are reading/Para ayudar a su hijo en casa, enviaré a casa una lista de preguntas que puede usar todos los días para ayudar a su hijo a pensar sobre lo que está leyendo.
    • This week for reaading classwork AND homework, your child should focus on finishing their book club book in preparation for our last book club meeting on Friday.
  • Your child is to be using their chosen book club book as their daily reading in class AND at home. This will allow them to stay on track with their team agreed upon plan and classwork requirements/Su hijo/a debe de estar usando el libro del club de libro elegido como su lectura diaria en clase y en casa. Esto les permitirá mantenerse al día con el plan acordado por su equipo y con sus trabajo de clase.

  • Daily homework is to read for at least 20 minutes. Your child can use their book club book, books from home, books from NHE library or the public library, or use the books selected from Mrs. Barreras classroom library. 
  • A routine should be set in place in order to assure your child dedicates time to read in a quiet place. Technology devices should be out of sight to avoid distraction. This may need to be reinforced every so often to keep a consistent schedule. 

Math 🔢Matemáticas

  • The students have been excited about working with a teacher in math. Please continue to allow Dr. Harriot to get to know your child, academically and emotionally. She will be added to our Remind groups shortly. Please continue to message Barreras for math topics.   

    • It's important your child is practicing their multiplication table at home. Their basic multiplication fact knowledge will aid them in accurately and fluently multiply multidigit equations. One way to help them at home is to create flashcards for the multiplication table and quiz them out of order. 

    Science 🧪Ciencias

    • We continue with Unit 3 Properties of matter and changes in matter. Lesson 1 Quiz this Monday!  Students will begin lesson 2 Properties of Water on Tuesday.
    • Homework:Please have them review their vocabulary and notes daily. The teacher lesson is posted on google classroom for study too.
    • 4º Grado: Continuamos con la Unidad 3 Propiedades de la materia y cambios en la materia. Prueba de la primera lección será este lunes! Los estudiantes comenzarán la lección 2 Propiedades del agua el martes.
    • Tarea: Por favor pídales que revisen su vocabulario y notas diariamente. La lección del maestro también se publica en el aula de Google para su estudio.



    • Unit 2 Argumentative essays are a genre of essay that requires the student to generate an opinion about a topic, evaluate evidence, expand on the idea, and set forth an argument concerning that idea in a clear and concise manner/Unidad 2 Los ensayos argumentativos son un género de ensayo que requiere que el estudiante genere una opinión sobre un tema, evalúe evidencia, amplíe la idea y exponga un argumento sobre esa idea de manera clara y concisa.

    • Essays will be written in both languages./Los ensayos se escriben en los 2 idiomas. 


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