
Chromebooks MUST BE charged nightly. Headphones must be in your child's backpack daily for digital assignments. Many students are NOT prepared with these required items. Please help us by assuring your child is ready for class every day. /Los Chromebooks DEBEN SER cargados todas las noches. Los auriculares deben estar en la mochila de su hijo/a todos los días para los trabajos digitales. Muchos estudiantes NO están preparados con estos artículos requeridos. Ayúdenos asegurándose de que su hijo/a esté listo para la clase todos los días.

School Wide News🏫

  • NO halloween costumes or celebrations tomorrow Monday

    Parent university 11/7 8:30am in person

    Registration forms going home Tuesday. Review, make changes (if applicable), sign, & return. 

  • Students will be bringing home more information about STEP IT UP next week after our Launch Party presentation. Please help your student register and complete the Golden Ticket assignment THAT NIGHT! All students who complete the Golden Ticket assignment will receive fun PRIZES and it does not require any money to register. We will also have some fun drawings for a $250 Amazon Gift Card and four Mini Party Fridges stuffed with CASH!

  • Smencils safety patrol fundraiser begins Monday 7:30-8am daily for $1 EACH
  • Yearbooks on sale online ONLY- visit www.strawbridge.net Enter the school code: YBYB25646 $26 until 2/28/2023

4th Grade General News🗞

  • Use the I Shine folders to create an incentive plan with your child to celebrate a successful week/Usa la carpeta de I Shine para crear un plan de incentivo para celebrar una semana exitosa.

Reading 📚Lectura    

    • Your child’s reading test will go Tuesday for your review and signature.
    • Unit 3 begins 10/31 focusing on nonfiction strategies to infer author claims, perspectives, and compare and contrast multiple sources on a common topic. Parent letter will go home shortly/Unidad 3 comienza el 31 de octubre y se enfoca en estrategias de no ficción para inferir afirmaciones y perspectivas del autor, y comparar y contrastar múltiples fuentes sobre un tema común. La carta de padres se enviará a casa pronto.
    • Alex Lemonade Stand coin collections boxes are due NO LATER than Friday 11/4.
    • Daily homework is to read for at least 20 minutes. Your child can use their book club book, books from home, books from NHE library or the public library, or use the books selected from Mrs. Barreras classroom library. 
    • Check out our 4th graders readers as we make memories! I’ll be updating this link as the year goes on with more priceless moments https://padlet.com/jacqueline_barreras/1vpnm78wrlbe531i
    • A routine should be set in place in order to assure your child dedicates time to read in a quiet place. Technology devices should be out of sight to avoid distraction. This may need to be reinforced every so often to keep a consistent schedule. 

Math 🔢Matemáticas

  • The students have been excited about working with a teacher in math. Please continue to allow Dr. Harriot to get to know your child, academically and emotionally. She will be added to our Remind groups shortly. Please continue to message Barreras for math topics.   

    • It's important your child is practicing their multiplication table at home. Their basic multiplication fact knowledge will aid them in accurately and fluently multiply multidigit equations. One way to help them at home is to create flashcards for the multiplication table and quiz them out of order. 

    Science 🧪Ciencias

    • Click here for science fair project information

    • We continue with Unit 3 Properties of matter and changes in matter. We begin our third Lesson Magnetism this week, the quiz for this Unit will be Tuesday next week November 4th.
      Homework:Please have your child review vocabulary and notes daily. The teacher lesson is posted on google classroom for study too.

    •  Continuamos con la Unidad 3 Propiedades de la materia y cambios en la materia. Comenzamos nuestra tercera lección: Magnetismo esta semana, el examen de la lección será el martes de la próxima semana, 4 de noviembre. Tarea: Por favor pídales que revisen su vocabulario y notas diariamente. La lección del maestro también se publica en el aula de Google para su estudio. Tendremos un experimento el Jueves.

                                Social Studies 🌍

    • Students will study Florida's past and geographical characteristics. Students will be able to comprehend how map elements serve to convey the information on the map in this geography subject. We will go over the following map components: the coordinate grid, the cardinal and compass rose, the title, the scale, and the key/legend with symbols. 


    •  Unit 3 expository essays require your child to generate a a central idea about a topic, support it with text based evidence, and elaborate with examplesin order to teach others as expertsLos ensayos expositivos de la Unidad 3 requieren que su hijo genere una idea central sobre un tema, la apoye con evidencia basada en texto y elabore con ejemplos para enseñar a otros como expertos. 

    • Essays will be written in both languages./Los ensayos se escriben en los 2 idiomas. 


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