

School Wide News🏫

    • Holiday Hut shopping will take place during your child's music fine arts the week of 12/5. Holiday hut shopping letter and money envelope was sent home in the Tuesday Folder.

    • NHE needs volunteers for the holiday hut. Please sign up here https://signup.com/go/mGynFyC

  • To purchase a yearbook ad separate from the yearbook purchase, visit this link! https://forms.gle/okfoPaFSLXLzAHuL9

  • Smencils safety patrol fundraiser begins Monday 7:30-8am daily for $1 EACH

  • Yearbooks on sale online ONLY- visit www.strawbridge.net Enter the school code: YBYB25646 $26 until 2/28/2023

4th Grade General News🗞

    • 12/21 4th grade classes will be participating in a winter rotation of academic related activities. A letter will be going home with more information in the Tuesday folder.

    2nd FAST state test takes place 12/14 reading and 12/15 math. These test are digital assessments. FULLY charged computers and a set of heaphones is required.
  • To access your child’s progress reports and report cards, please contact the front office for your SIS username and password information. ALL report cards are digital. NO paper based reports will go home. 
  • To help your child develop a sense of ownership and responsibility, motivate them with goals and celebrations. Consider these tips:
  • For behavior, use the iShine Folders to create a weekly goal and let your child choose what they want to earn when they meet their goal. Behavior plays a key role for safety patrol selection in 5th grade! 
  • For academics, use the assessments that go home in the Tuesday folders to create a goal. Let your child choose what they want to earn when they meet their goal. 
  • For reading, set a monthly goal with a number of books they complete. A monthly rule of thumb is at least 3 chapter books a month or at least 4 nonfiction books a month. Let your child choose what they want to earn when they meet their goal.
  • I Shine folders is a communication  piece between parents and teachers to learn about your child's day. Please review daily and initial. Help your child reflect upon their day through the use of the I Shine folder/Las carpetas I Shine es una pieza de comunicación entre padres y maestros para aprender sobre el día de su hijo. Por favor revise diariamente y ponga sus iniciales. Ayude a su hijo a reflexionar sobre su día mediante el uso de la carpeta I Shine. 

Reading 📚Lectura    

    • Unit 4 has started, focusing on "What do we learn when we look at the world through the eyes of others?" Students will be participating in book clubs again, using Historical Fiction texts. Through historical fiction texts, they will be able to learn about historical events and explain different perspectives through individual experiences. 
    • The book club is your child's MAIN priority. They will be using this book as their classwork and homework daily reading. They will create a reading calendar plan to help them organize their chapters for the week. 
    • Daily homework is to read for at least 20 minutes. Your child can use their book club book, books from home, books from NHE library or the public library, or use the books selected from Mrs. Barreras classroom library. A routine should be set in place in order to assure your child dedicates time to read in a quiet place. Technology devices should be out of sight to avoid distraction. This may need to be reinforced every so often to keep a consistent schedule. 
    • Check out our 4th graders readers as we make memories! I’ll be updating this link as the year goes on with more priceless moments https://padlet.com/jacqueline_barreras/1vpnm78wrlbe531i

Math 🔢Matemáticas

  • An FSQ test will be administered on Tuesday December 6 on "Divide with 2-digit divisors".
  • It's important your child is practicing their multiplication table at home. Their basic multiplication fact knowledge will aid them in accurately and fluently multiply multidigit equations. One way to help them at home is to create flashcards for the multiplication table and quiz them out of order. 

Science 🧪Ciencias

  • https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1XujKp2sHT0ubvxGr8QLqK8pr9J0NDITI
  • Science Fair (this is a mandatory assignment for a grade) Parents make sure to review the guidelines for this year’s science fair and supervise that your child is submitting the work to me on time. Resources are available via Google Classroom, and I will explain how to copy the blank google slide presentation provided for the project in class. Please stay involved and encourage your child to work and to show you their work at home. Projects need to be completed in SpanishThe experiment trials will need your adult supervision! Reach out if you have questions. 
  • Feria de Ciencias (este es un trabajo obligatorio que tiene calificación) Queridas familias, asegurasen de revisar las pautas para la feria de ciencias de este año y supervisen que su hijo entregue los trabajos a tiempo. Agregue recursos a través de Google Classroom, y explicaré cómo copiar la diapositiva de Google en blanco proporcionada para el proyecto durante la clase. Por favor, manténgase involucrado y anime a su hijo a que trabaje y le muestre su trabajo en la casa. Los proyectos deben completarse en español¡Las pruebas experimentales necesitarán la supervisión de un adulto! Déjeme saber si tiene preguntas. 


                            Social Studies 🌍

  • Students will study Florida's past and geographical characteristics. Students will be able to comprehend how map elements serve to convey the information on the map in this geography subject. We will go over the following map components: the coordinate grid, the cardinal and compass rose, the title, the scale, and the key/legend with symbols. 



  •  Unit 4 narrative writing are made up stories about a topic. It mirrors the story elements as authors use in storybooks. Your child will be writing stories that apply some of their favorite author's writing techniques.  La escritura narrativa son relatos inventados sobre un tema. Refleja los elementos de la historia que los autores usan en los libros de cuentos. Su hijo/a escribirá historias que aplican algunas de las técnicas de escritura de su autor favorito.

  • Stories will be written in both languages./Los cuentos se escriben en los 2 idiomas. 


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