

If your child has a cellphone and/or smartwatch on school campus, district policy is for the devices to remain OFF during school hours.
Si su hijo tiene un celular y/o un smartwatch en la escuela,el protocolo del distrito es que permanezcan APAGADOS durante el horario escolar

School Wide News🏫

  • Reminders went home in the Tuesday folder. Read carefully. 
  • 2/13 8:15-9:15 FAST parent report meeting
  • To purchase a yearbook ad separate from the yearbook purchase, visit this link! 

  • https://forms.gle/okfoPaFSLXLzAHuL9

  • Smencils pencils safety patrol fundraiser begins Monday 7:30-8am daily for $1 EACH

  • Smencils pens safety patrol fundraiser begins Monday 7:30-8am daily for $2 EACH

  • Yearbooks on sale online ONLY- visit www.strawbridge.net Enter the school code: YBYB25646 $26 until 2/28/2023

4th Grade General News🗞

  • Mark your calendar! 
    • Spring Break 3/20-3/24
    • Flagler Museum field trip 3/29/2023- MORE details to come! 
    • The 3rd admininstration of the FAST state test will take place in May. 
    • Tiger Shark Park for 4th grade - 5/26/2023 MORE INFO TO COME!
  • To help your child develop a sense of ownership and responsibility, motivate them with goals and celebrations. Consider these tips:
  • For behavior, use the iShine Folders to create a weekly goal and let your child choose what they want to earn when they meet their goal. Behavior plays a key role for safety patrol selection in 5th grade! 
  • For academics, use the assessments that go home in the Tuesday folders to create a goal. Let your child choose what they want to earn when they meet their goal. 
  • For reading, set a monthly goal with a number of books they complete. A monthly rule of thumb is at least 3 chapter books a month or at least 4 nonfiction books a month. Let your child choose what they want to earn when they meet their goal.
  • I Shine folders is a communication  piece between parents and teachers to learn about your child's day. Please review daily and initial. Help your child reflect upon their day through the use of the I Shine folder/Las carpetas I Shine es una pieza de comunicación entre padres y maestros para aprender sobre el día de su hijo. Por favor revise diariamente y ponga sus iniciales. Ayude a su hijo a reflexionar sobre su día mediante el uso de la carpeta I Shine. 

Reading 📚Lectura    

    • We've started unit 5 about technology where your child is playing the role of a Technology Specialist. They will be hosting a technology conference on 2/13, Monday, from 9:15 - 9:55am  to teach you and their 2nd grade peers about how technology has brough value into our lives. MORE INFORMATION TO COME!
    • It's time to refreshen your child's personal library! January Scholastic Book orders are due 1/27/2023. EVERY CHILD GETS A FREE COPY OF WINGS OF FIRE COLLECTION WITH THER ORDER. Place your order online or send it to class. https://orders.scholastic.com/M9R7W
    • Every book order earns  Mrs. Barreras points to purchase more books for the classroom library! The more your child reads, the more their inner reader develops! 💕
    • Daily homework is to read for at least 20 minutes. Your child can use their book club book, books from home, books from NHE library or the public library, or use the books selected from Mrs. Barreras classroom library. A routine should be set in place in order to assure your child dedicates time to read in a quiet place. Technology devices should be out of sight to avoid distraction. This may need to be reinforced every so often to keep a consistent schedule. 
    • Check out our 4th graders readers as we make memories! I’ll be updating this link as the year goes on with more priceless moments https://padlet.com/jacqueline_barreras/1vpnm78wrlbe531i

Math 🔢Matemáticas  

  • Need to contact Dr. Harriot? Email her cecelia.harriott@palmbeachschools.org 

  • Monday 1/23. 4th grade AMP Math: FSQ test on Unit 9: Patterns and Data on the Coordinate Plane.

  • Resource teachers are visiting the classes to assist with small groups.
  • It's important your child is practicing their multiplication table at home. Their basic multiplication fact knowledge will aid them in accurately and fluently multiply multidigit equations. One way to help them at home is to create flashcards for the multiplication table and quiz them out of order. 

Science 🧪Ciencias




  • Unit 5 students will be returning to argumentative writing also known as opinion writing. They will be required to read and research using mutliple sources to support their opinion about a topic. Evidence from the text is required to show their comprehension of the topic and to develop their argument.
  • Los estudiantes en la Unidad 5 regresarán a la escritura argumentativa, también conocida como escritura de opinión. Se les pedirá que lean e investiguen utilizando múltiples fuentes para apoyar su opinión sobre un tema. Se requiere evidencia del texto para mostrar su comprensión del tema y desarrollar su argumento. 


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